Tuesday, June 12, 2012

top 10 ways to make money fast

Day Labor
There are employement agencies in any city. Just wake up early in the morning and be there there as early as you can and they will send you to work. Employement agencies such as Daily Labor, Triple AAA, Command center are some of the employement agencies. and the good news is you will get paid at the end of the day. Mostly you will get eight hour shift

Sell used staffs
For sure you have something in your house you don't need. If you don't use it, some one else may use it so why let it rust in your house go a head and sell it. You can sell any thing on ebay.com, amazon.com, even at the local yard sale.

perform on street
Of course street performers can make money. perform on street or public places and you can make some money. street performer ideasTell jokes, sing song, dance, show majic, play musical instrument etc

Beg or panhandle
If begging is legal in your state, go ahead lose your pride. It isnot as horable as being broke. Some people like to help people no matter what. Some men try to attract girls by giving.

Donate plasma
You can make $20.00-$40.00 by donating plasma at plasma donation center. Check your local hospital to find out plasma donation center. Donating plasma is saving lives and you should be proud when you do that.

Sell recycle cans
Collect soda and beer cans from your home and surrounding area and sell them. It could be copper or alumunium.

sell cookies and brownies
you can do this on busy corner. especially if you are young you may sell a pretty good amount.

Sell  a lemonade stand
a lemonade stand at abusy corner can make you a good money. you can also sell different kinds of soda

Fill out survey
you can do this at places where you do survey and get paid for you golden time. or you may do it online. when you do it online becareful from scams.

Invent something
Everyone is smart. he/she has something to offer. Think of something you see a hole or a problem around you and try to solve that problem. that is invention. Once you invent something make sure to patent it.
good luck

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